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Watchorn Hall
A music education degree will provide you with top-notch training in performance, music history, conducting, theory, piano, and education methods, as you work with world-class artist-teachers. You can choose an Instrumental or Vocal/Choral track—or complete both.
Majoring in music education at Redlands will foster an understanding of concepts, professionalism, and training as you seek a career in teaching others about music. The program will transition seamlessly to the School of Education Preliminary Teacher Credential Program for the California K-12 music teaching credential. With the University's waiver program, you will be able to start School of Education teacher credential coursework and have options to include credential coursework and student teaching during your undergraduate studies. You will be well connected through student teaching internships that lead to careers, with a 100% placement record. For audition details, contact Brad Andrews, Director of Admissions, at or (909) 748-8014.
To view specific classes, program requirements, and coursework information, visit the current university catalog.
*For more information regarding Upper-Division Qualifying Jury Examination, see "MUS-299 Upper-Division Qualifying Jury Examination" in the catalog.
Watchorn Hall
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